Friday, November 22, 2013


this project was fun but also a challenge to make sure we had every little detail. we had to include many different things to make it work. 

1. What special considerations did you have to make for the nesting sea turtle sites located on the barrier island? we had a wall set up behind the villas separating the sea turtles and the villas for their safety. is was a sea wall. 
2. What special considerations had to be made when determining a good site for the proposed fishing pier?we didnt want to put the pier next to the habitats because we didnt want to kill them
3. What could be some of the potential problems that might arise from the proposed golf course? Propose some of the ways in which the impacts can be reduced. we made to man developments and made them to large so we had to cut down
4. What are the economic benefits to the community of Loggerhead County if the development was done with the least amount of environmental impact? we would have more of an ecosystem 
5. Describe three ways in which humans negatively impact coastal ecosystems such as the one you are working on with Loggerhead Barrier Island. humans are building on wildlife everyday and killing what we need to live  our oxygen supply. h2o
6. How can maintaining natural vegetation help us to reduce the damage caused by oceanic events such as hurricanes, tsunami and continued beach erosion? 
natural vegetation is the best kind of resource.   

7. After listening to the other groups make their presentations, were there any ideas they had you would have used if you had though about it before-hand? You should list at least three different ideas and indicate why their idea is actually better for the environment than yours.  make things smaller work on the scale. and save the wildlife and make them separate from us

Friday, November 15, 2013

A beach by another name

A.      Volcanic coast, primary
B.      Primary, glacier
C.      Primary, glacial  erosion
D.      Secondary, coastal erosion
E.       Primary, barrial island
F.       Secondary, coastal plain
G.      Secondary, costal plain
H.      Primary, nonmarine
I.        Secondary, mangrove coast
J.        Secondary, fault line coast
K.      Primary, decomposition
L.       Primary shore lines
M.    Primary coastal plain
N.     Primary, earthquakes
O.     Secondary, land erosion
P.      Secondary, wave cut beach
Q.     Secondary, land fall
R.      Primary, steep glaciers

Friday, November 1, 2013


Bonaire: The color of the minerals in the sand were clear, there was no magnetite, it was very small, it was moderatly sorted.
Hampton: The color of the sand is tan and pink. there was no magnitite in the small sand, and was very well sorted. these minerals were rocky
Bahamas:The colors of the sand are clear and white and they are very small and rocky. these minerals are well sorted.
Red Rock Canyon: The colors of the sand are a white clear color and red. And are very small and rocky. the minerals are very well sorted.
PEI: The colors of this sand is white and red, there is no magnetite and the small rocky sand is very well sorted.
Niles: The colors of this small non magnetite sand are clear and tan! these minerals are poorly sorted and subrounded.
Key West: The color of this sand is Clear almost white. these small minerals are poorly sorted and subrounded. 
Maui: The color of these small minerals are orange and white. they are well rounded and very well sorted and are basically little rocks.
The two sands i chose to compare were Maui and Hampton beach. Maui is part of Hawaii and i have never seen the sand before until under a microscope. Hampton and Maui both do not have magnitite and they are both different colors. Maui are little rocks that are red, and orange. and Hampton is a tan and pink color. They both are very well sorted but Maui is a little more sorted.