Friday, September 13, 2013



The earth has one big ocean with many features. People explore the ocean and life in the ocean because of its shape. The oceans have shaped human society. Nobody thought that the world was flat. The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected. People explored to find resources, like food, land and trade. Egyptians were the first to build ships that were used for trade. The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate. People need something to tell them their longitude and latitude and the time of day, so they made something called the Chronometer.
The Chinese made ships that towered over others, they had more technology and more advancements. Sir Francis Drake was the first Englishmen to sail around the world in 1580. They noted that you could predict in the Atlantic by the phases of the moon. Eratosthenes calculated the earths circumference and invented longitude and latitude.

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